With the Capricorn Full Moon, we begin to root out our deepest pain while preparing for a new paradigm.
via Ethereal Culture:
Mars has stationed retrograde in Aquarius, turning direct in Capricorn on August 27. Thus we begin a period of recalibrating our inner masculine, as well as our motivations, anger, and drives. As Mars dances around the South Node, we’re cutting ties with the past to make room for a more liberated future. At the same time, we’re reexamining places where we’ve been stuck or oppressed, slicing through karmic knots with our cosmic swords.
Mars rules courage, exertion, and sexuality. These energies are now turning inward for review. This does not weaken us—the opposite is true. During this period, our power emanates from within, with far greater intention and purpose. We’re stepping forward with careful footing, making sure that we’ve rooted in integrity, morality, and an eye toward the greater good.
Read the full blog here.
Read the Astro-Herbal Calendar for Summer 2018 here