Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a darling little herb that grows in cultivated and wild fields throughout much of the world. Native to much of Europe and Asia, Red Clover has been…

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a darling little herb that grows in cultivated and wild fields throughout much of the world. Native to much of Europe and Asia, Red Clover has been…
Hormone balance is crucial to overall health. A well-functioning endocrine system not only affects reproductive health, but also blood sugar levels, assimilation of nutrients, immune response, and resilience to stress. Hormones are…
There is an old holiday called Imbolc at the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Celebrated primarily by Wiccans and other pagan practitioners, Imbolc is a vital part of…
Psychedelic mushrooms have an extensive impact on our mental health and overall wellbeing. With books like Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion by Michelle Janikian, those interested in the healing power of mushrooms are…
“In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act” – Guerilla artist Caroline Caldwell The idea of self-love isn’t a new concept. Yet somehow, it has…
Back in the 60s, life was psychedelic. The Baby Boomers knew how to party and did it with style. Music poured out of every car window, and acid was as plentiful as…
January is a month of resolutions, introspection, and starting off the year on a new foot. One practice of goal setting is Dry January: a 31-day alcohol-free cleanse and an opportunity to…
Thanksgiving has always been “our” holiday—the day when sixteen to twenty members of my extended family schlep over the bridge to New Jersey, pile into our home, and a feast for hours…
Dry January and Sober October challenges have encouraged people to abstain from alcohol for an entire month. However, as alcohol consumption rose during the pandemic more people began to evaluate their long-term…
For many of us, the impact of Covid added significant levels of anxiety, prolonged uncertainty, and isolation during the pandemic. The result was a reported increase in alcohol consumption. This rose among…
January is ready to roll out into the abyss of history. I’m being confronted with the reality that too much holiday self-care and indulgence have resulted in my living space needing some…
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