This season, as we consider practices to connect to our ability to manifest and create change, we might go towards ritual, such as spells, prayer, or working with crystals. Crystals can offer a tangible and visible reminder of alchemy, plus, they’re absolutely beautiful to keep around the home. Below, Katherine Stanbury— a modern mystic, yogi, oracle reader, and Reiki crystal healer currently residing at an Ashram in Canada— offers us a guide of crystals for gratitude to work with this season (and beyond)!
Iolite: Third Eye and Crown Chakra
A stone of psychic activation, enhancing vision, clairvoyance, and intuitive skills; Iolite helps us clearly see our dreams and desires laying dormant in the unconscious. Infusing the carrier with foresight transmuting the unmanifested into physical reality. Empowering one with awareness and responsibility, the violet flame fiercely disintegrates all not in harmony with one’s path. A powerful stone for healing psychic wounds that enabled one to feel inferior or inadequate. Breaks addictions to the past, emotions, substances, and negative patterns; facilitating a release from the expectations and entanglements of karma. Iolite brings clarity and balance allowing one to live in their authentic being.
Larimar: Throat and Crown chakra
Air and water fused through volcanic fire and made physical in Earths embrace, Larimar is born. Embodying the Goddess archetype, this stone reconnects one to their own cyclic nature and the boundless creative manifesting energy within. Awakens the imagination and reminds one of their own inherent innocence; igniting the inner child and the healing power of play. Larimar clears stagnant energy from unfiltered messages, words left unsaid, and inhibiting thought patterns. Enables one to channel their emotions and speak their truth. Cleanses and balances the emotional/mental realm and purifies the meridian lines. Larimar is known for brining soulmates and twin flames together.
Lapis Lazuli: Solar Plexus and Third Eye
The stone of intuition and realization. A combination of lazurite, pyrite, and calcite; lapis holds the radiant blue and enlightening gold ray, uniting the energies of the mind and spirit. A precious stone that activates and enhances intuition as well as psychic abilities. Embracing deep truth, one becomes honest, trusting, and full of divine wisdom. This stone ignites a sense of purpose and the ability to vibrantly express it in the world. Ideal for those who work with songs, mantras, and chants as a spiritual practice. Physically clears sinuses, alleviates headaches, and cleanses the pituitary, affecting the entire endocrine system.
Green Tourmaline: Heart and Crown Chakra
Green Tourmaline carries a potent light frequency that grounds one to the natural rhythms of Gaia; intimately connecting one to the nature kingdom and is a magick ally for herbalists. A powerful healer of the physical heart as well as an energy tool for releasing heartbreak or trauma. This crystal is associated with prosperity consciousness; helping one develop a healthy perspective of abundance. In a state of gratitude it may be used for manifesting ones desires and bringing creative projects to fruition. Green Tourmaline carries an invigorating electrical charge that may be used for chronic fatigue or exhaustion; bringing heart felt motivation back to the mind, body, and spirit.
Moldavite: All Chakras
The embodiment of celestial energy on Earth, moldavite is intense and mystical. Originating from a meteorite that landed approximately 15 million years ago, this powerful space magick activates all the chakras and enhances psychic abilities. A stone of connectivity that attracts numerous synchronicities. This crystal ignites bravery that may lead to rapid transformation on the path towards awakening. Expands spiritual consciousness and brings awareness of soul purpose; a tool for meditation, dream work, and increasing one’s sensitivity to their own intuition. Moldavite can be very grounding for lightworkers, starseeds, and healers.
Ruby: Root and Heart Chakra
Ruby embodies the enlightening energy of the sun sparking empowerment and positive life changes. Opening the heart and stimulating the root, Ruby stimulates the flow of chi, kundalini, or life force energy. Guiding one to become a spiritual warrior that chooses love centered action and communication in the present. A true gem that promotes courage and vitality which stimulates a passion for living; leading one down the path of authentic feelings towards the universal language of love. Ruby encourages self mastery that directs the spirit towards freedom from societal conditioning. Ruby may also be used a doorway to the Akashic records.
Elite Noble Shungite: Earth Star Chakra
One of the most protective and grounding mineral healers shungite is made up of 98% carbon, the building block of life, and is proven to contain fullerenes, molecules with potent healing qualities. With the natural ability to purify and mineralize drinking water, shungite elixirs are known to promote detoxification, rapid healing, and cellular regeneration. When physically wearing the stone it balances the body, mind, and emotions. Shungite powerfully shields against harmful EMFs or electromagnetic radiation and cleanses the aura of blockages; deeply healing the physical and energetic bodies.
For more Season Of Alchemy Crystals, check out The Alchemist’s Kitchen’s selection here or at their flagship East 1st street location in Manhattan!