August begins in the midst of lightning storms and torrential seas. We’re preparing for the third and final eclipse of the summer, which will close the eclipse vortex—an epic six-week period of change and karmic compression.
via Ethereal Culture:
This month, the key is to rest with uncertainty—to take time to strategize and plan. We could ask ourselves what we truly want—what aligns with our most authentic heart and highest ideals. Pushing ahead with impatience will only lead us to burnout and frustration. As we step into significant transformation, emerging from our cocoons, we can remember to slow down and stay grounded. We have the opportunity to break out of deep ruts and to open to much greater frequencies of light and potential. We only have to remember to be patient as we ride out the storms.
This August is a month of frustration and discomfort, as well as tremendous insights, breakthroughs, and unexpected turns. We’re closing the eclipse vortex, with the third and final eclipse of the summer arriving on August 11. It’s helping us release traumas, fears, relationships, and circumstances that have been holding us back from our deepest pleasures and desires. At the same time, many retrogrades are forcing us to turn inward, with Uranus unsticking our places of stubbornness and rigidity. We have no choice but to draw on our patience during this time of immense reflection and standstill. We might ask ourselves:
What mistakes have we repeatedly made? What unhealthy patterns are we ready to dislodge? And which direction are we now ready to move toward?
While August is a month of thwarted momentum, it’s also allowing us the chance to lay proper foundations so we may fulfill our long-term visions. By the end of the month, Mars will station direct, finally bounding us ahead, while the Pisces Full Moon sextiles Uranus and Saturn—stabilizing our chaos. We’ll be much better equipped to catapult into the future, balancing our creativity with pragmatism, our personal pleasure with deep care for the greater good. Without choice, we’re learning self-sufficiency as we develop trust in ourselves and the universe. The key now is to surrender and relax.
Read more about what transits will take place on Ethereal Culture.
Read the Astro-Herbal Calendar for Summer 2018