January 24, 2020 — The Aquarius New Moon arrives on Friday, at 1:42pm Pacific Time. This closes the eclipse portal while bringing clarity and relief. At the same time, Uranus is square to the Moon, a harsh angle, and we may experience initial anxiety. The planets are pulling us into revolutionary new patterns. Breaking us out of the heavy, old, and outworn, while offering objective insight and flashes of fresh seeing.
Via Ethereal Culture.
These have been heavy and apocalyptic times. With many planets stacked in Capricorn, we’ve been holding the weight of our collective karma. We can now step back and observe how we’ve been participating, without judgment. We can feel into our multidimensionality, breaking free of limitations, the past, and the status quo.
Aquarius Revelations
At the same time, Aquarius reveals that we cannot achieve oneness and universal love without first embracing our individuality—and without creating a society of egalitarianism, innovation, cooperation, and mutual responsibility for one another. As we step deeper into the Aquarian age, we can access our own direct connections to the Divine—without intervention from external authority, religion, or limiting beliefs. From here, we can forge stronger connections to others’ hearts. We can recognize that we aren’t actually separate from anyone else—that we all comprise an interconnected fabric of inseparability.
The more we release our rigidity, the less anxious we’ll feel. Uranus, after all, is the planet of instant liberation. He helps us awaken as quickly as possible by pulling the rug out from under us. If we surrender and flow, we’ll be able dissipate feelings of confusion and fragmentation. Our reality will change as we release attachments to all that isn’t kind to ourselves or others—all that holds us back from greater realization and ease.
The Wounded Healer
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, sextiles this New Moon, so we may feel vulnerable, but we also have the chance to heal. Chiron elicits healing crises so we can observe our wounding and tend to it. If we’re feeling extra raw or bare, we can relax into trust, allowing our tender beauty to envelop us, and connect us more deeply with others.
Meanwhile, Venus is conjunct Neptune—planets of romantic and exalted love working in tandem. With Venus and Neptune square to Mars, we might experience relationship turmoil or confusion. Our solid ideas about love and sex, masculinity and femininity, are dissolving. But this place of not knowing is the perfect soil to cultivate new energies. We can make space for our unknowing and effortless unfoldment, so our hearts can open beyond the need for solid answers or predictions of what will come.
From this state of profound relaxation, we can give birth to new paradigms, feeling infinite potentials for greater inspiration, togetherness, and more loving relationships, which take into account the wisdom in each of us. We only need to feel our feelings without resistance, taking responsibility for ourselves and each other, as we open our hearts to the unwritten future and unlimited possibilities.
On this Aquarius New Moon, may we relax our fears and anxieties, and open to the unknown. May we recognize our place in the bigger picture—offering our individual contributions to healing the Earth and establishing a more enlightened society.
For more, check out Juliana’s overview of 2020’s astrology.