Summer Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Leo, Virgo
Summer begins on the Summer Solstice, when the Sun is at its zenith. The longest day of the year, this is a time to celebrate light, abundance, and joy. During this shift, the Sun moves into Cancer—the domain of the sensitive Crab. Ruling home and our emotions, we’re turning inward, focusing on family, intimate friendships, and our private lives.
This summer, energies are high, with two eclipses arriving in July, while Saturn and Pluto continue to circle the South Node. Before the paradigm shift occurs in 2020, we are experiencing major karmic reckoning and purification as we examine all that’s been holding us back from our evolution, both personally and collectively. We’re finding the courage to face our pain and discomfort so we can help each other out of stagnation, walking through the fires so we can manifest a world that aligns more deeply with our hearts and inherent care for one another. As we step more deeply into tender warriorship this summer, we’re learning how to work with our anger in healthy ways, healing our hearts as we create more safety, understanding, and deeper bonds with those we love.
Supportive Remedies for Summer:
- Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa): cooling to the body, emboldens sensuality
- Peach (Prunus persica): supports assimilation, circulates stagnant energy
- Milky Oats (Avena sativa) – nourishes nerves, promotes a sense of calm
Summer 2019 Astrology Transits
June 21–July 22 — Sun Enters Cancer
Good time for: Turning inward, Focusing on family, Intimacy, Vacations, Alone time, Self-care, and Emotional release
July 2 — Cancer New Moon / Total Solar Eclipse
Good time for: Major rebirth out of old traumas and patterns, Bringing dreams into reality, Emotional breakthroughs, Family breakthroughs, Forgiveness and reconciliation, Creative regeneration
New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Solar Eclipses are supercharged New Moons, bringing intensity as they swiftly catapult us onto our true life path. With the Moon partially eclipsing the Sun, our deeper emotional nature is taking precedence over ego. At the same time, this marks an epic beginning of a new cycle—a clean slate that helps us recharge and begin again. What projects, dynamics, or relationships do we now want to initiate?
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. It’s the most sensitive and emotional sign, representing nourishment and the mother. During this total Solar Eclipse in Cancer, Saturn and Pluto are conjunct the South Node, eliciting karmic purification from this life, past lives, our ancestors, and even society at large. We can now break out of old conditioning, particularly patriarchal values and belief systems. Aligned with the North Node, our true life path, we’re connecting with our deeper purpose, placing emphasis on close friends and alliances that nourish us. We’re learning to take better care of ourselves and open to vulnerability as we continue the work of empowering the divine feminine while recalibrating our inner masculine.
Supportive Remedies for Cancer New Moon / Total Solar Eclipse:
Cancer rules the stomach and breasts, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. The New Moon is a powerful time to work with herbs that help us accept and prepare for the next phase of self-actualization.
- Mariposa Lily (Calochortus leichtlinii): relieves congestion, restores faith in maternal consciousness
- Marshmallow (Althea officinalis): soothes irritability, supports softening and releasing
- Willow (Salix vitellina): shifts mental patterns, encourages perseverance
July 7-31 – Mercury Retrograde in Leo and Cancer
Good time for: Review, Introspection, Magic, Psychic communication.
Mercury retrograde occurs when Mercury appears to move backward from the perspective of Earth. Energetically, this has the effect of making our communication wonky. It can mess up our listening, speaking, writing, texting, and negotiating. Travel, shipping, and computer codes can also go off kilter, earning Mercury retrograde its negative reputation.
However, this transit is also beneficial. As the planet of intellect and communication turns its powers inward, we enter a wonderful period for reflection, review, and introspection—as well as dreams, magic, and psychic communication. We can find deeper ways to communicate now, beyond ordinary language and mundane reality.
Supportive remedies for Mercury retrograde in Leo:
Leo rules the heart space, while Mercury oversees our cognition. Working with flower essences to unite heart and mind can assist us in experiencing a potent Mercury retrograde.
- Borage (Borago officinalis): nourishes adrenal glands and hormonal axis, brings courage to the soul
- Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata): alleviates tension around the heart, opens channels of clairvoyance
- Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): restores equilibrium, promotes internal ease
July 16 – Capricorn Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse
Good time for: Aligning our outer lives with the inner, Bringing our work life into harmony with our emotional lives, Letting go of the past, Dismantling emotional conditioning from our parents, Forging deeper intimacy and connections.
Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition as the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. The Full Moon exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds. A Lunar Eclipse is an exaggerated Full Moon, bringing final endings while revealing our shadow selves and uncomfortable truths about others. Memories and dreams surface and elicit our deepest emotions.
Capricorn rules career, the past, and achievement. With an emotional Lunar Eclipse in restrained Capricorn, we could feel tension. Capricorn Moons help us gain mastery of our feelings, calling on discipline to release any wallowing or clinging to the past. Since Capricorn also represents the father and external authority, this is the perfect time to purify any childhood conditioning that is still holding us back from our full expression. During the eclipse, the Moon, Pluto, and Saturn are on the South Node, purifying old karma, while Venus is conjunct the Sun on the North Node, pointing our way forward. We may find that this is a particularly powerful moment for relationships as we forge new kinds of love with greater vulnerability, peace, and an empowered feminine. We’re learning to better value our feelings—allowing room even to express illogical, messy emotions that will lead us toward wisdom and deeper intimacy.
Supportive Remedies for Capricorn Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse:
Capricorn rules the knees, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. This Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse is a powerful time to work with herbs that help us illuminate and celebrate our truest selves.
- Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium): relaxes muscular tension, releases regret
- Jasmine (Jasminum officinale): decongests accumulations, nourishes femininity
- Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): aligns skeleton, attunes our hearing to higher vibrations
July 22–August 23 – Sun Enters Leo
Good time for: Creative expression, Love, Opening the heart chakra, Spontaneity, Rallying courage.
July 31 – Leo New Moon
Good time for: Creativity, Passionate expression, Hosting, Healing our hearts, Transforming communication, Embracing vulnerability.
New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Falling into complete darkness, the New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle—when the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree. It presents a clean slate that helps us recharge and begin again. What projects or relationships do we now want to initiate and complete over the next six months?
This New Moon in Leo is here to refresh our hearts. Falling between Venus and Mars, planets of the feminine and masculine, we now have the chance to move into new energies around how we relate to one another. With Saturn and Pluto circling the South node and opposing Mercury, we also have the chance to break out of stagnation and repression and move into much greater vulnerability in how we communicate with each other. Chiron is trining this New Moon, supporting us in healingl our hearts and moving into brighter, more passionate expressions of our gifts, creativity, and generosity.
Supportive Remedies for Leo Full Moon:
Leo rules the muscular heart, while the Moon rules bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. With this New Moon, now is an excellent time to work with herbs that can help us release the emotional pain that might manifest in the heart.
- Linden (Tilia americana): relaxes tension around the heart, evens the breath
- Rose (Rosa spp.): promotes peace in the heart, softens memories of emotional trauma
- Sunflower (Helianthus annus): imparts humility and self-esteem, brings warmth to the inner self

August 15 – Aquarius Full Moon
Good time for: Love, Forgiveness, Finding peace, Letting go of inauthentic relationships, Finding deeper purpose, Orienting toward the collective good, Emotional honesty.
Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition as the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. The Full Moon exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds.
This Full Moon in Aquarius marks a moment of collective release as we prepare to more fully inhabit the new paradigm of 2020 and the Aquarian Age. Venus is conjunct the Moon, continuing to shine light on our relationships and inner feminine. Love, peace, and honesty are highlighted as we continue the work of individuating, becoming more authentic, and establishing more loving, creative communities and a more egalitarian world. We’re also finding work outside the status quo that contributes to the collective evolution while making good use of our passions and talents. At the same time, Neptune is squaring the nodes. Compassion, forgiveness, and unity are becoming more possible as we make sure every voice is heard and that we open our eyes to other people’s experiences.
Supportive remedies for Aquarius Full Moon:
Aquarius rules the ankles, which facilitates our mobility, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. Now is an excellent time to work with herbs, specifically flower essences, that can help us forgive in order to find more compassion.
- Pulsatilla (Anemone quinquefolia): relieves overstimulation, reinforces harmony of collective good
- Ghost Pipe (Monotropa uniflora): illuminates shadows, fosters witness to the interconnections of the collective
- Yerba Santa (Eriodyction glutinosum): clears congestion, opens energetic channels
August 23–September 22 –Sun enters Virgo
Good time for: Getting organized, Tending to practical matters, Offering service and helping others, Taking care of our health

August 30 – Virgo New Moon
Good time for: Major rebirth out of old traumas and patterns, Bringing dreams into reality, Emotional breakthroughs, Family breakthroughs, Forgiveness and reconciliation, Creative regeneration.
New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Falling into complete darkness, the New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle—when the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree. It presents a clean slate that helps us recharge and begin again. What projects or relationships do we now want to initiate and complete over the next six months?
Virgo rules order, practicality, purity, and service. We are moving forward now with integrity and care, as well as thoughtfulness, thoroughness, and consideration for all beings. With Mars and Neptune conjunct the Sun and Moon respectively, we’re finding gentler directions forward as our inner masculine, anger, and assertion soften and heal. It’s time to get organized but with a gentle touch, remembering to engage in our sacred work with open hearts. This doesn’t prevent us from stepping out as warriors or standing up for what is right. With great love and ease we are doing just that—contributing our service in meaningful ways that will help unite us all in body, mind, spirit, and togetherness.
Supportive remedies for Virgo New Moon:
Virgo rules the accessory digestive system, including the liver and pancreas, which organize metabolism, while the Moon rules bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. Herbs that help reconcile the many demands on our souls and help us find direction can serve us well on this New Moon.
- Burdock Root (Articum lappa): promotes assimilation of nutrients, helps break toxic bonds and subconscious dependencies
- Chicory (Chicorium intybus): balances metabolism of nutrients, engenders unconditional love of self and others
- Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus): revitalizes mental focus, integrates idealism with practicality
September 14 – Pisces Full Moon
Good time for: Meditation and just being, Integrating lessons from eclipse season, Feeling vulnerable excitement around new energies and selves, Forgiveness, Spending time in the ocean.
Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition as the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. The Full Moon exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds.
Pisces rules mysticism, spirituality, and unconditional love. We now have the chance to integrate all that has been churning up over the past six months. We’re feeling our hearts expand into limitlessness, as we forgive ourselves and others and find deeper peace, even in the midst of great change and upheaval. We’re entering whole new paths and trajectories that we’ve been reinventing, after undergoing tremendous work around releasing previous conditioning from our parents and society. We’re finding a new kind of confidence now, rooted in our vulnerability and the courage to feel what we feel—without fear, judgment, or repression.
Supportive remedies for Pisces Full Moon:
Pisces rules the feet, which ground us to the Earth through our travels, while the Moon rules bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. It’s a great time to work with herbs that will enhance our spiritual musings and elucidate clearer pathways for soul-centered healing.
- California poppy (Eschscholzia californica): soothes pain and suffering, promotes inner contentment
- Angelica (Angelica achangelica): clears energetic blockages, supports spiritual reckoning
- Mugwort (Astemisia douglasiuna): enhances psychic focus, illuminates through dreamwork
-Juliana McCarthy, Astrologer for Ethereal Culture
Follow Juliana on Instagram (@etherealculture), and visit her website (etherealculture.com). She also wrote a book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology.
Calendar made in collaboration with medical astrologer and holistic medicine practitioner Dr. Emily Anne McDonald, MD.
Visit her website (emilyannemcd.com), and follower her on Instagram (@emilyannemxd).
Read more about Juliana and Emily here.