Image by Curtiss Sprague 

Astrology by Juliana McCarthy of Ethereal Culture. The suggested herbal remedies in this calendar are brought to you by medical astrologer Emily McDonald.

December 21, 2019–March 19, 2020

Winter Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

It’s the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the darkest day of the year, before the turning of the light. Now we open the portal to winter, as well as Capricorn season. This is a time to dive into our innermost beings, feeling the warmth of solitude and retreat. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge our regrets, resentments, and fears, offering them to the light of our self-awareness and acceptance. Sitting by the fire, we can feel loving-kindness embrace our imperfections, messiness, and vulnerability.

This year’s Solstice is particularly potent. We’re standing on the precipice of a new year,  new decade, and new age. As we begin winter, eclipse season is underway as we prepare for a rare Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12, marking a profound paradigm shift. We may feel tension between the old and the new, as we begin to shed our skin and rise from the ashes of deep transformation. The planets are pushing for a big release of all we’ve outgrown, emptying our cups so that fresh, revolutionary energies can take root.

In the process of letting go, we could feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty of great change. But the planets are helping us assuage our fears and remember the stillness and infinite nature that lie within us. We’re in this together. Healing our divides, we can work with one another to destroy what is harmful—with love in our hearts—as we make room for something kinder, freer, and more aligned.

Supportive Remedies for Winter:

As the sun returns in the Northern Hemisphere, winter brings the opportunity for reflection on our deep, conditioned patterning, which came to light during the autumn season. These remedies will support us this winter: 

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp.) — supports digestion, promotes sense of safety
Elder (Sambucus spp.) – nourishes immune system, bolsters psychic boundaries
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) —equilibrates systemic imbalances, imparts psychic defenses

Winter 2019/20 Astrology Transits

December 22, 2019–January 20, 2020 — Sun Moves into Capricorn

Good time for: Slowing down, Planting seeds for our long-term future, Making plans, Re-organizing, Working together with others, Spending time with family

December 26, 2019 — Capricorn New Moon / Solar Eclipse

12:13am EST, 4° Capricorn

Good time for: Setting powerful intentions, Breaking out of old ruts, Considering what we want to build and manifest, Shifting our perspectives

New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Solar Eclipses are supercharged New Moons, bringing intensity as they swiftly catapult us onto our true life paths. With the Moon eclipsing the Sun, our deeper emotional natures are taking precedence over ego. At the same time, this marks an epic beginning of a new cycle, offering a clean slate that can help us recharge and begin again. What projects, dynamics, or relationships do we now want to initiate?

Capricorn rules structures, systems, society, pragmatism, and our past, so with a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, we’re ready to regroup and break from the past, releasing unhelpful relationship patterns and family and societal conditioning. Forming a trine to Uranus, revolutionary energies are striking, ready to jolt us out of ruts, and into new frequencies of awakening. Glimpses of our future selves could break through winter’s darkness, as we begin to inhabit newer versions of ourselves. With Jupiter forming a conjunction to the Sun and Moon, we’re ready for fresh perspectives as we consider the long-term future. What do we want to build and manifest in the coming year, decade, and age? What can we contribute, large or small, that will help establish a kinder world?

Supportive Remedies for Capricorn New Moon Eclipse:

Capricorn rules the skeletal system, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. This New Moon Eclipse is a powerful time to work with herbs that relax tension and open space for expansion.

Pine (Pinus sylvestris): facilitates elimination and release, promotes self-forgiveness
Maitake (Grifola frondosa) —balances hormones, opens intuitive channels of understanding
Thuja (Thuja occidentalis): relaxes thoughts, purifies self-doubt

January 10, 2020 – Cancer Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse

2:21pm EST, 0° Cancer

Good time for: Major rebirth out of old traumas and patterns, Letting go of outworn beliefs, Reflection on family and ancestral traumas, Softening our hearts and forgiving ourselves, Stepping into tender warriorship

Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition, particularly around relationships. Here, the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. She exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds. A Lunar Eclipse is an exaggerated Full Moon. It can draw issues to the surface that have been long-brewing, bringing final endings and revealing our shadow selves or uncomfortable truths about others. Memories and dreams may surface, eliciting our deepest emotions.

This Lunar Eclipse in Cancer offers an opportunity for great emotional release, especially as we stand on the precipice of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which arrives on January 12. Six planets are now stacked in Capricorn, in a heavy but transformative line-up that offers a powerful opportunity to not only release what no longer serves us, but also to set deep intentions around what we’re ready to create for the long-term future. Jupiter is crossing the South Node, lighting up the places where we’ve been undergoing deep family and ancestral purification. What new insights have we gleaned? What outworn beliefs are we ready to let go as we move into the new paradigm? Neptune is trining the Moon, reminding us to soften our hearts and forgive ourselves. We’re rallying our courage to face uncertainty and become tender warriors. How can we help others with greater kindness and care? How can we reweave the fabric of society, culture, and our everyday lives?

Supportive Remedies for Cancer Full Moon:

Cancer rules the stomach and breast, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. This Full Moon is an opportunity to work into herbs that help us feel deeper acceptance and prepare for the next phase of self-actualization.

Jasmine (Jasminum officinale): decongests accumulations, nourishes femininity
Yerba Santa (Eriodyction glutinosum): clears congestion and opens energetic channels
Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus): circulates stagnation, enhances self-respect

January 12, 2020 — Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
11:07am EST, 22° Capricorn

Good time for: Powerful transformation, Karmic reckonings and transmutation, Releasing the old, Offering service that will benefit the world

Saturn conjuncts Pluto every 38 years or so, marking a powerful moment in the collective rebirth. Capricorn rules systems, societies, and government, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction is particularly potent in this sign, bringing karmic explosions in our personal lives and the collective sphere. 

Throughout the rest of 2020, we will experience multiple conjunctions between Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, helping us purify outmoded beliefs in order to establish new shared ideologies. The January 12 Saturn-Pluto conjunction marks the beginning of what many astrologers are calling the paradigm shift, as we move into a new age in humanity. Intense conservatism often arises at the onset of this transit, but it’s the precursor to revolution. With Jupiter and Saturn forming a conjunction at 0° Aquarius by the end of the year, revolution and fresh egalitarian energies are certainly on the horizon. But first, we have some deep resistance to face, some battles to fight with open hearts, and old karma to reckon with and transmute.

Supportive remedies for Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn:

Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) strengthens the physical body, facilities rebirth
Mugwort (Astemisia douglasiuna): enhances psychic focus, illuminates through dreamwork
Angelica (Angelica achangelica): clears energetic blockages, supports spiritual reckoning

January 24, 2020 – Aquarius New Moon

4:42pm EST, 4° Aquarius

Good time for: Deep alchemical transformation, Powerful creative work, Relationship breakthroughs

New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Falling into complete darkness, the New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle—when the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree. It presents a clean slate that helps us recharge and begin again. What projects or relationships do we now want to initiate and continue over the next six months?

Aquarius is the sign of humanity, creative genius, community, and revolution. This Aquarius New Moon asks us to look to the future to see how we might reorient our lives, breaking free from the past while moving into greater truth and authenticity. From the rubble of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and the Lunar Eclipse two weeks prior, we are experiencing electric jolts from the future, rapidly unfurling our new paths. Uranus is squaring the Moon, increasing the power of Aquarius, while continuing to wake us up into liberation and innovation. Meanwhile Venus and Mars are forming a square angle to one another. Relationship issues are up, as we work to resolve tension between the masculine and feminine. Our hearts are ready to melt into unconditional love. We can rally the courage to face the beautiful and exciting unknown—in our hearts, relationships, and the world at large.

Supportive Remedies for Aquarius New Moon:

Aquarius rules the ankles, while the Moon rules bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. With this eclipse squaring Uranus, now is an excellent time to work with herbs that can help us stay grounded as we realign.

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) — checks unregulated impulses, refines relational balances
Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriaflora):  harmonizes the nervous system, integrates mental and physical healing
Linden (Tilia americana): calms tension, opens self to the collective

January 21–February 18, 2020 – Sun Enters Aquarius

Good time for: Considering the bigger picture, Looking to the future, Breaking out of old patterns, Friendship, Building community

February 9, 2020 — Leo Full Moon (2:33am EST, 20° Leo)

Good time for: Revealing our truest selves, Healing our relationships, Stepping into greater confidence and authenticity, Applying our talents for the benefit of all

Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition, particularly around relationships. Here, the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. She exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds.

Falling in Leo, the Full Moon offers an opportunity to reveal our truths and express our creative visions with increased confidence. During this Full Moon, Venus is prominent, at 1° Aries, between Lilith and Chiron. Our inner feminine is gathering strength as she learns to say no and heal wounds around self-assertion. Leo rules the heart, while Venus rules love, so this could mark a moment of healing release around romantic matters. Meanwhile, Mars is trining the Leo Moon while sextiling the Aquarius Sun. The planets are pushing us to feel greater confidence in embodying our authentic selves. We’re expanding our horizons, releasing our egos, and taking greater risks in our creative innovations, which we can offer for the benefit of all.

Supportive Remedies for Leo Full Moon:

Leo rules the heart, while the Moon rules bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. Now is an excellent time to work with herbs that can help us stay true to our values and beliefs as we realign our partnership and tend to our wounds.

Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) – eases tension and pain, facilitates processing of grief and and sorrow
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): clears congestion and stagnation, supports emotional expression
Sunflower (Helianthus annus): imparts humility and self-esteem, brings warmth to inner self

February 16–March 9, 2020 — Mercury Retrograde in Pisces / Aquarius

Good time for: Music, Art, Poetry, Sending love letters from our hearts, Channeling, Wordless communication, Magic, Healing, Tapping into our psychic abilities, Meditation

Mercury retrograde occurs when Mercury appears to move backward from the perspective of Earth. Energetically, this has the effect of making our communication wonky. It can mess up our listening, speaking, writing, texting, and negotiating. Travel, shipping, and computer codes can also become wonky, earning Mercury Retrograde its negative reputation.

However, this transit is also beneficial. As the planet of intellect and communication turns its powers inward, we enter a wonderful period for reflection, review, and introspection. The influence heightens dreams, magic, and psychic communication. We can find deeper ways to communicate now, beyond ordinary language and mundane reality.

Falling in Pisces, the magical potential of Mercury retrograde is heightened, as well as our capacity to forgive ourselves and others, rest in stillness, and heal our communication. We may feel more inspired to create art, music, poetry, and dance, and to channel from the Divine. As Mercury stations direct in Aquarius, we have the chance to break free of old ruts around our minds and communication, and find authentic new ways of expressing ourselves, especially in group dynamics.

Supportive remedies for Mercury Retrograde in Pisces:

Pisces rules the feet, while Mercury oversees our cognitive capacities. Working with herbs to support our minds and spirit can assist us in processing during this Mercury Retrograde.

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica): supports tissue repair, enhances psychic vision
Spearmint (Mentha spicata): improves memory, attention, and reasoning
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) – alleviates agitation, eases into sleep

February 19-March 20, 2020 — Sun Moves into Pisces

Good time for: Spirituality, Meditation, Retreat, Imagination, Magic, Feeling, Music and Art, Heart Expansion, Forgiveness

February 23, 2020 — Pisces New Moon (10:32am EST, 4° Pisces)

Good time for: Beginning creative imaginative projects, Meditation and stillness, Establishing romance, Connecting with dreams and spirituality, Forgiveness, Healing conversations

New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Falling into complete darkness, the New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle—when the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree. It presents a clean slate that helps us recharge and begin again. What projects or relationships do we now want to initiate and continue over the next six months?

Falling in Pisces, the New Moon allows us to begin imaginative new projects, romance, and spiritual fresh starts. Falling conjunct Mercury, communication is now emphasized. Gentle, forgiving Pisces is helping our voices soften as we mend our divides and soften our aggression. At the same time, Mars is on the South Node trining Uranus, while both planets sextile the New Moon. We’re liberating from old aggressions as we forge new paths of togetherness and spiritual expansion. This is a beautiful time to meditate, find stillness, and repair old and broken friendships. We can find ways to listen to one another more openly, allowing space for all to be heard, loved, and accepted.

Supportive Remedies for Pisces New Moon:

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)  heightens spiritual senses, brings tranquility
Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) — moistens and softens tissues, helps dissolve energetic boundaries
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) – nourishes pelvic tissues, fosters spiritual compassion

March 9, 2020 — Virgo Full Moon

1:47pm EST, 19° Virgo

Good time for: Purifying hearts and bodies, Reorganizing and decluttering, Cleansing digestive system, Breakthroughs in love and creativity

Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition, particularly around relationships. Here, the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. She exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds.

In Virgo, the Full Moon asks us to declutter, clean our digestive systems, and partake in rituals of health and deep self-care. This way, we can offer our emotional service to others, which is one of Virgo’s enlightened potentials. The Virgo-Pisces axis is the most magical of the zodiac. With the Sun and Moon straddling this axis, we have the opportunity to align our physical selves with the spiritual. We can sit in meditation and stillness as we purify our bodies and hearts. The Pisces Sun is conjunct Neptune, which is opposite the Moon. Healing, forgiveness, and spiritual practice are highlighted here, offering powerful opportunities for revitalization. Meanwhile, Venus is conjunct Uranus, bringing breakthroughs in love and creative pursuits. This could mean a powerful change in a stuck relationship, or the dislodging of creative blocks. Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all lined up, supporting the Full Moon, so we truly have the chance to undergo transformation. We can purify and heal the past, opening our hearts to ourselves and each other as we step into greater loyalty, consideration, and service.

Supportive Remedies for Virgo Full Moon:

Virgo rules the digestive system, while the Moon rules bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. This Virgo Full Moon calls for opening the heart to maximize spiritual magic.

Self-heal (Prunella vulgaris) – initiates tissue healing, supports psychological wholeness
Kava Root (Piper methysticum): instills peace, softens sensitivities to others’ energies
Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) – restores calm to heart, promotes resilience

-Juliana McCarthy, Astrologer for Ethereal Culture

Follow Juliana on Instagram (@etherealculture), and visit her website ( She also wrote a book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, which you can purchase here.

Medical astrologer Dr. Emily Anne McDonald, MD has cared for thousands of patients through the health care system and now practices Holistic Medicine at Chrysalis, a community apothecary and educational center in Cutchogue, NY.

Read an interview with Juliana and Emily here! 

Juliana McCarthy

For more than twenty years, Juliana McCarthy has been studying and practicing Western Astrology, finding it to be a powerful tool for self-exploration and examining how we relate to others. She loves working with people to help them understand their authentic selves—their complexities, gifts, karma, and life paths. In particular, she finds Astrology to be helpful for major transitions, unexpected life changes, and for better understanding relationships—romantic and otherwise. Juliana also practices Energy Healing, using a blend of Reiki and shamanic methods. She helps facilitate powerful breakthroughs by clearing blockages around physical, spiritual, relationship, and emotional difficulties. A longtime student of Tibetan Buddhism, she's an avid meditator and spiritual practitioner.

    1. Hello Mishel! With everything that’s been going on, we haven’t been able to yet, but stay tuned! xo, Kate, Social Media & Content at The Alchemist’s Kitchen

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