Le’ Jai’ La is a medicine woman who works with sacred plants and modalities to help others come back into alignment with their light. As a reiki master, herbalist and channel who accesses the Akashic Records, she has a passion for sharing her knowledge and writing wellness articles. She integrates her understanding of various indigenous and traditional healing practices to empower individuals to discover themselves. She teaches regular workshops with us and you can RSVP and learn more here.
1) Le’ Jai’ La, you work with ancestors and ancestral knowledge. When did you first feel called to develop this relationship? Was it a specific event, a gradual process, or something you’ve always cultivated?
As a child, I was fascinated by cultures, religions, and spirituality. I began diving deeper into alternative modalities about 10 years ago. I would hear healers discussing ancestral healing but I didn’t feel called to explore it until 4 years ago. At first, I just researched and tried to understand how people around the world addressed their ancestors. The process was gradual, I would learn something new and integrate it for a while before looking for more information regarding my ancestors. When I started my herbal apprenticeship with Karen Rose, founder of Sacred Vibes Apothecary, three years ago I was guided to understand my lineage. To be just as curious about my family history as I am about various indigenous practices. Through herbalism and work with sacred plant medicine, I begin to connect with my ancestors and actively show up to remember their teachings. This path is a journey, I am constantly learning and sharing as I go. I’ve met a few teachers who have guided me to the traditional ways of my ancestors and who continue to help me remember the ways of those who have come before me.
2) In our last workshop, you discussed mother earth and how she is our ancestor too. How can one cultivate a deeper relationship with mother nature?
I feel we can start by being grateful for her, acknowledging that without the Earth supporting us we would not be able to experience life. For those of us living in the city, we can feel disconnected from Mother Earth. Being mindful of the food we consume, the plants, the herbs we work with, and even the water we drink. When we shower saying thank you to the water, saying thank you to our food and the farmers that grew it for us to enjoy. Through gratitude, we can open space within us to show up for our mother and support her. Saying a kind word to a tree we walk by, sharing an offering of flowers to a nearby river, or praying for the planets longevity by lighting a candle are all feasible things we can try. It’s all about our intentions. When we come with an open heart and mind we are present to also listening to the Earth. We are able to hear what she has for us. Gratitude is the start. I invite us daily to say five things we are thankful our Mother Earth provides us and see how this shifts our awareness.
3) You also work with The Akashic Records and Herbalism. First, can you tell us a little bit about your work with The Akashic Records? It is deeply fascinating.
The Akashic Records is best imagined as a library that contains books. Each individual has a record, or a code, that contains their soul’s information. The records are vast. From soul contracts, blueprint, karmic relationships to past lives, and future ones the records guide us to stay in alignment with our mission. I first began connecting with the records about four years ago. I was in a reiki master apprenticeship. I found when I would attune others my own consciousness was expanded. My channel was louder, my visions and gifts more profound. I started stumbling into the records but at first, I wasn’t able to bring any information back. After practicing and changing my approach I was able to understand my ego was not allowing the records to share what they wanted. I continued to explore the records. I found in ceremonies with various indigenous communities the records unlocked more. In 2018, I connected with a dear friend in Argentina Santiago Rafael who read my records and explained I was going in but forgetting to close the books. Later that year he came to New York City and officially initiated me into the records. Since I have been offering Akashic record readings and helping others remember their soul’s purpose.
4) What is an herbal ally that one might use to develop a deeper relationship with their ancestors? What is an herbal ally one might use to develop a deeper relationship with Mother Earth?
I work deeply with ceremonial grade cacao which I was introduced to while working at The Assemblage a few years ago. I remember my first cacao ceremony, not liking the taste and wondering what I was doing surrounded by people sharing from their heart space. Fast forward and I now work with cacao to connect with my ancestors and to embrace the innate gifts within me. Cacao is a heart medicine that has helped me recall the ancient ways of my lineage. Besides having a plethora of physical benefits this plant brings you back to your core helping you to take initiative to walk your path. Thanks to Cacao Laboratory I have been able to learn more about the Mayan cosmovision and tradition. One of the Mayan elders always ask three questions: Who are you? Where do you come from? Where are you going? I recommend working with cacao to connect with your roots and to connect with the traditional practices of our ancestors.
To grow your connection with the Earth, any plant ally can be a great guide. I feel it’s more important to focus on building a relationship with a plant ally and seeing that as an extension of your relationship with Mother Earth. Working with a plant ally is a mutual relationship that grows and expands. Working with the roots of plants is also a good way to get to know the Earth. Whether it’s mugwort to recall your dream world and innate wishes, dandelion root to detox and clear old patterns or flower essence. Choose an ally that calls to you and develop a friendship. Let them remind you and teach you the language of our mother while helping you heal.
5) Any advice or insight for people during these challenging times? What would our ancestors do?
We will always be met with lessons in life to help us grow. These opportunities to expand are sometimes seen as challenges. I’ve been honoring that my soul, just like your soul, chose to be on Earth right now during these times. It doesn’t make the journey a cakewalk but I find that owning that I made a choice to share this incarnation with so many others helping awake society to themselves empowers me. If possible use this time to remember your light, your passions, what your soul desires. Connect with the timeless question who am I? We have been given the space to come back to our own divinity. Structures are changing as a new way is being born. Build a strong foundation within yourself, know you. The world will constantly present things outside of our control. Go deeper into the practices that anchor you. Maybe that’s yoga, meditation, prayer, or inner child play. Having your roots strongly planted will help you flow with the changes in life.
An elder shared recently that some of the problems we are experiencing our ancestors didn’t encounter. We need to look to our indigenous elders and leaders to help us remember how to honor our divine Mother Earth. Come back to the basics of honoring the 4 elements of fire, water, wind, and earth. Working with altars, praying, and lighting candles. Allowing ourselves to be present to hear our ancestors so they can help us navigate the present times.
Bonus Questions: Sun, Rising, Moon?
Sun: Capricorn
Rising: Virgo
Moon: Scorpio