Full Moons are a time of culmination and completion of cycles that call our attention to turn inward and reflect on what is no longer serving our growth and development. We are reminded during this time to slow down and allow things to reveal themselves so that healing and transformation can take place. This Pisces full moon is a time of rest, reflection, and release to aid in the process of manifestation.
Developing Boundaries
We left the Virgo New Moon creating new habits and routines for ourselves; now it’s time to make sure that our new routines are allowing room for growth and service as well as rest and restoration.
We have a warm Pisces Full Moon, also known as the Harvest Moon, taking place on September 10th! This is the final Full Moon before we shift into the Fall Equinox. With the Sun in Virgo opposing the moon in Pisces, this is a great time to develop boundaries that can best serve us in the Fall season.
Service vs Disservice
Virgo and Pisces rule service and healing, and when these two signs come together in opposition it can lead to mental and physical burnout. Virgo rules our day-to-day work and responsibilities, so there can be a need to review commitments and duties and make adjustments to what is no longer serving a role.
Not to mention, Mercury will turn retrograde in the sign of Libra on the same day as the Full Moon! Since Virgo rules the intellect and Pisces rules our intuition there can be a level of anxiousness and clouded judgment when making decisions. Allow yourself a moment to slow down during this Full Moon Retrograde season so that you can make intuitive choices.
Whenever we are working with Pisces energy it brings a sense of nostalgia and reminiscing. Since we are approaching the last few weeks of summer, this is a great time to not only reflect on this past season but to reflect on what began for you at the start of the Spring Equinox and how that has come to a culmination as we approach the Fall Equinox. Allow this Full Moon to be a softer exit out of summer!
Ways to Work with this Energy
- Take time for movement and meditation – sometimes when we feel stuck mentally adding physical activity helps to shift the energy
- Spend time with family and friends – have your final picnics at the beach
- Make time for REST – Virgo season brings a lot of movement, and rest will become very important as we enter Fall.
- Herbs that are great for calming the mind are peppermint, lemon balm, and chamomile
- Crystals for Virgo and Pisces are Aquamarine, Moonstone, and Rose Quartz to name a few!
Happy Full Moon! Make sure you prepare for it appropriately.