The Taurus New Moon arrives on Saturday at 3:45pm Pacific Time, reminding us to be at peace with ourselves in the midst of rapid change. It’s time to steady our paces and integrate any pain that’s surfaced over the past few weeks. We’re now going deeper into ourselves and our experience, opening to the full spectrum of what we feel. At the same time, we’re remembering to ground and connect with the Earth, who’s supporting us with her profound beauty. Whichever hemisphere we’re in, the Earth is bursting with color—blooming flowers in the north, changing leaves in the south.
Via Ethereal Culture.
Dancing, playing music, making a garden, or cooking food with loved ones are all beautiful ways to connect with this New Moon. We can take in Earth’s abundant beauty, feeling our senses, and opening to simple joys. It’s time to quiet our minds, tune into nature and profundity, and remember that all we need is right here—on this Earth and inside of us. The supposed-to’s and outside pressures can lift as we reprioritize, placing greater emphasis on whatever brings us contentment and peace.
What wisdom does our inner feminine want to share with us? What beauty is ready to flow through us, into our art, relationships, and lives?
The Moon is now forming harmonious aspects to the Saturn-Pluto-South Node conjunction, which elicited old patterns and pain last month. Now, we can relax and go deeper into our healing, growth, and evolution. We can call on our patience and compassion, allowing ourselves to feel what we feel, without altering it.
Read the full article here.