Based in New York’s Hudson Valley, Fat of the Land Apothecary offers intimate medicine that is either sustainably wildcrafted or grown in their herb garden and by local farmers. Their mission is to honor the wisdom, magic, and abundance of the land, and promote true holistic health by nourishing our bodies, minds, environment, and relationship.
Fat of the Land is the love child of Anja Rothe, an earth steward who is frequently on the move to muse upon new lands and connect with the medicine of place through its native plants. Learn more about her relationship to the earth and herbal medicine in this interview.
How did you get interested in herbalism?
It was a natural confluence of things. I grew up in the outdoors, sharing my time between the fields, woods, and waters around my home. In university I studied anthropology and found myself mostly interested in traditional subsistence systems and healing practices. After graduating I traveled and lived abroad studying yoga, working in kitchens, and living off the land. When I returned to the states I knew it was time to go deeper with plant medicine and so I moved to southern Appalachia where I enrolled in a formal herbal education program.
Do you have a spiritual relationship to the plants you work with?
It’s funny, I was recently asked how I engage my spiritual practice and all I could recount was the time I spend working with plants. It’s not something I need to enact or tap into, it just is, my relationship with plants in inherently spiritual.
How does Fat of the Land Apothecary source its plants?
The majority of the plants I work with are wild harvested by myself in the area. I have a small herb garden and the Hudson Valley is fortunate to have a number of rad herb farmers. There are a small number of plants that I feel called to work with which don’t grow in this climate, i’m conscious about sourcing those from small independent organic growers.
What herbs do you incorporate in your everyday routine?
Nettles, oats, raspberry leaf + motherwort are on my most frequent rotation. I make a large infusion every night before going to bed and drink it throughout the day. I’m big on nutritive herbs and nervines. We can all use some good nervines, amiright?
Tell us about the Root Nectar Adaptogenic Honey Spread and its benefits on mind and body.
I’m constantly trying to find new ways of potentiating the foods and beverages I already habitually consume, rather than adding new things into my diet. I add a bit of honey to my green tea everyday and it makes me so happy getting the extra support of maca, ashwagandha + shatavari. The blend is great for supporting the adrenals, balancing hormones, and building sustained energy over time rather than the stimulating (and ultimately depleting) jolt you experience from caffeine. It’s a nourishing tonic that works best over time and supports you in the long haul.
Can it be used topically?
I’ve recently gotten really into doing honey masks. I’ve never thought about using Root Nectar this way, but I bet it would make an awesome scrub + mask!
Nourish your body with the Root Nectar Adaptogenic Honey Spread.