Le’ Jai’ La is a medicine woman who works with sacred plants and modalities to help others come back into alignment with their light. As a reiki master, herbalist and channel who accesses the Akashic Records, she has a passion for sharing her knowledge and writing wellness articles. She integrates her understanding of various indigenous and traditional healing practices to empower individuals to discover themselves. She will be teaching a workshop called Exploring Ancestral Healing on Tuesday, August, 11th at 7 pm EST! Sign up here!
As you continue exploring yourself and the depth of your healing journey, you may be confronted with recurring cycles. Some of these patterns that we may find ourselves struggling to break come from our ancestors. Just as genes are hereditarily passed down to us the same is true for ancestral traumas, pains, and their perception of the world around us. When we heal ourselves we are also healing those that have come before us. However, when this is a conscious decision and we are aware we’re transmuting these dynamics through our process there is a shift in the healing. Cycles present themselves in various facets of our lives. What you may think is a simple issue that you’re attempting to heal could root back to your bloodline. By addressing our family tree and clearing outdated paradigms we forge a new path for ourselves and future generations while helping the collective.
We are coming back to indigenous practices, sacred medicines, exploring ancient methods and seeking to comprehend our place on Earth. It’s time to recall the ways of those who allow us to be here now. To learn how to communicate with our ancestors we must first remember who they are. This is an opportunity to discover your lineage. Research your origins and ask family members questions. Unpacking your roots may bring issues to the surface for you to observe, ponder and heal. Be aware of your shadow as you navigate what is coming up. If you need more guidance on shadow work check out this article here. Understand that not all of our ascendants have our best interest so it is best to only call on ancestors in the light. As you begin obtaining more information about your family history keep an open heart as they did the best they could to their capacity.
Having a relationship with our ancestors offers many things including love, protection and assistance as they guide us on our mission. When trying to align with our ancestors it’s important to come with reverence and gratitude. From a place of love, compassion and understanding that they have made mistakes. Forgiveness is a powerful medicine to aid your heart and growing relationship with them. You are their greatest gift. Somebody that can help break their cycles and manifest a new way. Your ancestors are constantly finding ways to communicate with you, whether through a message in a song, an animal totem, a repeated sighting of 333, or another sequence of numbers. The bond with them will expand as you check-in and develop a dialogue with them. The pursuit of ancestral healing is not something to take lightly. This isn’t a one-time meditation, it’s a practice. If we spiritually bypass this growth we are only leaving these patterns for the future generation to transmute. Healing the family tree is not your sole responsibility and there may come times when you need to take a step back. Honor that this is a process and that you showing up is already a tremendous step.
Showing Up
There are many ways to explore ancestral healing. Setting an intention to connect with your lineage and knowing why you wish to embark on this route will ground you as you begin. Since this excursion takes time and reveals various layers, realize that this journey is not linear but cyclical. You may experience waves of actively working on ancestral healing and taking space to focus solely on yourself, which still helps your ancestors. Doing this work allows future generations to be cleared of these limiting programs. Now is the time to start addressing these cycles. We can no longer hold on to what does not serve our highest good and greatest potential. It doesn’t matter if its addictive behaviors, fear-based projections or issues with self-image. We are releasing the burdens that are not meant for us to carry. As long as you start the journey you will reap the reward.
Meeting your Ancestors
Who are our ancestors? Allow your curious inner child to come to the forefront to steer you forward. Look into your culture, healing modalities that were practiced, struggles and stories. Engaging with your ancestors is building a connection. It’s a relationship. The more you take the time to be present with them the better your kinship. Love them, appreciate them and know this healing opportunity is beneficial for you all. When you start to communicate with ancestors they are just as excited to speak to you and help as you are to share. Let them support you while you continue their legacy.
Create an Ancestral Altar
Set your motive to connect with your ancestors in the light. If it resonates with you, ask for to be done through gentleness, grace and love. Let your creative side out and make an ancestral altar. You can put a picture or item of family members that have passed away. You may feel called to write a letter to your ancestors to leave it on the altar. Light a candle and leave a cup of water as an offering for them. However, you decide to make your altar do it with gratitude. While sitting with your altar you may receive messages or find opportunities in your life begin to appear. If we don’t ask for help we can’t receive it. Ask for assistance, give your ancestors offerings of their favorite food, incense or flowers. Creating an altar gives your intention a focal point for you to return to time and time again. You are weaving a network that can hold the channel. Basically, you are making a wifi connection for your ancestors to log on and talk to you.
Healing Modalities
You may find that you need additional help as you go further down your genealogy. Many alternative healing modalities can benefit you. Plant medicine, reiki, rebirthing, soul retrials, ceremonies and even acupuncture can all help you release stagnant energy left by your ancestors. Since our DNA holds the records of our family, clearing our cellular memory heals a lot of dormant blockages still affecting us. Collaborating with plants and sacred medicine to reprogram ancestral cycles is a powerful tool for us to call on. Tulsi, or holy basil, is a great herbal alley to work with to address ancestral healing. Whether you work with cacao, tobacco, psilocybin, or any other plant it is important to come with respect. Honor the history of these traditional healing methods. Plants and modalities have a spirit and by connecting to their spirit you join them in supporting you.
Our common ancestor is the Earth, she is our original mother. By healing ourselves we come back into harmony with her. Your experience healing yourself is already a testament that you are your ancestor’s wildest dreams. Be proud of yourself, be grateful for those who have allowed you to be here and pay it forward to those coming. Collectively we are being called to come back to the ways of those that have walked before us and the elders who still uphold the ancient traditions. Let’s do our part to recognize where we come from so we can determine where we are going. Getting to know your ancestors is a liberating experience. As you dive deeper into knowing them you are cleansed, cleared and better prepared to continue your soul’s mission. We are here to break the cycles of our families while creating new ways to walk and withhold their legacy.
Sign up for Le’ Jai’ La’s workshop here!