Arthur G. Dove
December 25, 2019 — The Capricorn Solar Eclipse arrives on Wednesday, at 9:13pm Pacific Time. A Solar Eclipse is an exaggerated New Moon, bringing a powerful fresh start. Falling on the South Node, this eclipse asks us what we need to release in order to find greater stability.
Via Ethereal Culture.
We’ve been working hard to purify neurotic Capricorn within ourselves and the world—questioning the status quo, our conditioning, supposed-to’s, and harmful habitual patterns. We’re now ready to transform all that’s been holding us back from our truest selves. As we move toward the Cancer North Node, we’re continuing to learn how to come home to ourselves—with great care, healing, and gentle resolve.
What has been blocking us from feeling at home within ourselves? Opening to greater intimacy? Feeling safe enough to expose our hearts, with truth and dignity?
The eclipse vortex is now open until the Lunar Eclipse on January 10, speeding up our karma over the next two weeks. Adding to this, many planets are stacked in karmic Capricorn. Perhaps we’ve been experiencing arduous, old pulls or addictions rearing their heads in order for us to untangle from them.
The trick is to place one foot in front of the other—like a mountain goat. With perseverance, we are steadily growing into more mature versions of ourselves—less afraid and ashamed of our emotional expressions. At the same time, we’re learning healthy restraint. The old adage comes to mind: We are perfect as we are, and we could use a little improvement.
Luckily, this eclipse is conjunct Jupiter, who’s trining Uranus. We truly have the chance to break out of old ruts. Glimpses of our future selves are shining through winter’s darkness. We may feel outwardly slow, carefully tying up loose ends as we set intentions and lay groundwork for the coming year. But meanwhile, our insides are rapidly expanding. A grounded liberation is upon us. Epiphanies could strike as we snap out of the painful dualism that has kept us separate from our innate oneness.
With steady kindness and focus, anything is possible. We can now envision all that we want to release, and all that we want to call in. Cold winds whipping across our face, we are peering over the edge of the new decade and paradigm. We’re now ready to enter into a wild new world that can change on a dime according to how much we soften our hearts, forgive ourselves, and become love.
On this Capricorn Solar Eclipse, may we release limiting emotional beliefs and grow into greater maturation. May we sit up straight, allowing our feelings to arise as they are—in full expression, with open hearts and non-judgement, our karma ending with us, with gentle, free-flowing restraint.
For more, check out Juliana’s amazing astro-herbal calendar for winter here!