Crystalline Crossroads

It’s 2019 and crystals are everywhere. No longer solely tucked away in the neighborhood metaphysical shops, they’re in mainstream hair products, home decor, and in small batch lunar-infused elixirs. New Age fad? Not unless you’ve been living under a rock (pun intended) for the past decade. In fact, if you’re anything like us, chances are you have at least one friend who regularly preaches about the healing properties of gemstones. Next to your bedside, you might even have a small stash of rose quartz and a few tumbled stones with names you can never seem to remember.

For some of us, the spiritual ones, the collectors, and the curious alike, we agree that these sparkly specimens are not just trendy accents for our home. They’re more than nature’s paperweights. History tells us that they’re ancient tools lent directly from Mother Earth. These elements, combined with a pure intention and a sacred design, take on the form of a crystal grid. Gridding is one way to create an energetic threshold. With dedication, it can influence reality and expose a human’s untapped potential.

The Philosophy: Everything is Energy

Crystal gridding involves placing specific stones in a pattern inspired by geometry, intuition, and intention. We do this to bring about a desired outcome. A grid is not only visually appealing but also more effective than working with individual crystals thanks to a greater energetic footprint.

A crystal emits unique vibrations that interact with nearby electromagnetic fields. In his book on subtle-energy therapies, Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber explains how a crystalline structure responds to surrounding energies. This includes light, temperature, sound, consciousness (our thoughts), and more. By gathering together multiple crystals instead of just one, they link together, and their energetic reach expands. If we place these crystals in a specific pattern to represent a goal, we generate a circuit. That circuit emits frequencies mirroring our desired outcome. By doing this with a set intention, we manifest more rapidly than if we were using crystals, sacred geometry, or visualization on its own.

The Balancing Act: Sacred Geometry and Intuition

Choosing or channeling a design is an important step of gridding because it requires a working relationship with the earth, Spirit, and the elements. Many well-known sacred geometric patterns represent the building blocks of nature from which all life emerges. It’s through the union of healing crystals, sacred geometry, and pure intention that we can access the limitless potential available to all players within the universe.

Metatron’s Cube and the Flower of Life are generative grid layouts, but an intuitive design is arguably more beneficial. Those who work outdoors or alongside crystals and plants understand that each specimen is unique. Even a minute sample carries the complete record of everything it has encountered throughout history. That’s why how we feel during the gridding process is very telling. When we create an energetic pathway, we’re also a part of it. Imagine that the energy created by a grid is a vortex. When our body and focus position themselves within the vortex, we open ourselves up for a higher level of spiritual contact and authentic communication than before.

The Crossover: Crystal Gridding and Herbalism

Crystal gridding, like herbalism, lies at a crossroad where science meets Spirit. Spiritual sciences require an understanding of the physical and energetic properties of the elements (in this case, herbs and stones), their relevance in modern and indigenous medicine, and a strong belief in the almighty catalyst—intention.

With herbalism, the practitioner knows that everything is alive and emits a unique frequency. Crystals are no different. Both plants and stones retain information absorbed from the earth and their surroundings. Through varied methods and patience, practitioners transform into healers and learn to coax out the wisdom hiding within the roots and crevices.

Working with plants and crystals is an excellent practice to strengthen intuition. These elements remind us that we are all connected. Even the most sought-after answers lie within. When united in ritual, these two methodologies are a dynamic and complementing pair. Next time you make a heart-opener brew of rose and hawthorn, incorporate a spoonful into your self-love grid. Dried or fresh plant material on a crystal grid will not only reinforce the message but will also add depth to your results.

The Expansion: Crystal Therapies Then and Now

The 21st century isn’t the first time a society developed an interest in crystals. Far from it. There’s plenty of references to crystal healing in the Vedic scriptures, if you’re curious. Ask your acupuncturist about the history of Chinese Medicine. They’ll tell you that healers used needles made from bone and fine quartz until metal showed up centuries later. In ancient Greece, soldiers crushed hematite and rubbed it on their bodies as crystalline armor. Some indigenous tribes in North America placed gemstones within ceremonial monuments called Medicine Wheels to divine with Spirit. Even ancient Egyptians, including Cleopatra, crushed lapis lazuli into a fine powder for makeup.

Methods evolve, but humans continue to rely on crystals to influence their physical and spiritual reality. Whether we identify as a witch, astrologer, energy worker, healer, or medium is not important. So long as we’re a human who believes in the occult power of Earth’s elements, we can collectively incorporate crystal gridding into our intimate manifestation rituals.

So, while it’s on your mind, where is your crystal collection right now? Scattered throughout your home? Stuffed away in a box gathering dust? Perhaps not for long. Grab those citrine points and make a symbol of abundance on your desk. Magnetize love with a rose quartz layout next to the bed. Or, if you still can’t remember the name of those mystery stones and are in the mood to flex those intuitive muscles, carry them with you for a few days and listen to the subtle messages that come your way.


Check out The Alchemist’s Kitchen’s crystal offerings here. And check out our new collection, Season of the Witch, here!

Photo credit in order of appearance: Spirit NectarSilver Moon Goddess, and Cave and Canyon.

Kristin Lisenby

Kristin is a writer and creatrix who spends most of her time building a sustainable homestead in the Azores Islands. While studying for her Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Language and Literature, she won a written scholarship to study abroad at the University of Valladolid in Spain. It was during that time spent wonderfully immersed within a new culture that she felt most at home, and understood that one day she would venture out and create a life far-removed from what she knew. So when she grew weary of city-life and could no longer see the stars, she left California with her partner for a small island far from any concrete jungles. There, in the middle of the Atlantic, where the moon appears double the size and thrice as strong, you will find her cultivating plant medicine, conversing with the. universe, and writing her first novel. You can follow Kristin on her journey to bring her island homestead on Instagram at @minimalisthomestead, or read her musings on her personal account, @eastandalchemy.

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