December Horoscope with Yarusha Jimenez

Every month, Yarusha Jimenez, the amazing intuitive & reader also known as Sisters of Eastwick @sisters_of_eastwick @yarusha1111 – and an important element to the magical Full Moon Divinations at FHNY, shares monthly horoscopes on their blog. Read on, and find out what this December Horoscope has in store. To book an astrology or tarot reading with Yarusha visit her at:

It’s Sagittarius season! December arrives with a bang!
On the 3rd of the month Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, leaves Sagittarius and moves into the sign Capricorn. Jupiter will stay in Capricorn for all of 2020. Jupiter in Capricorn will bring us the opportunity to manifest our desires into the material realm. This huge manifestation energy will require us to work hard and get serious about what we want to bring into our lives. The harder you work and the more disciplined you are in 2020, the luckier you will get. Many of us will be asked to step into a leadership role this year. Jupiter in Capricorn provides the strong grounding energy, giving us the strength to persevere for the long haul. A more serious undertone will now be felt, and it will be very different than Jupiter in optimistic Sagittarius.

2020 will be aiding us all in the creation of new solid structures as well as strengthening of old ones. On the 25th of December, we have new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn. Eclipses act as a doorway from one life into another. They are designed to get us unstuck and push us forward into change. All eclipses bring endings and beginnings. Eclipse energy lasts 6 to 8 months. The universe use eclipses to move us out of our comfort zones and closer to our authentic path. This Solar eclipse in Capricorn will bring something new into your life, as well as provide healing. December is a month the big shift. It is the beginning of a new era, be open to the change.

Aries & Aries rising– December is a big month for you. On the 3rd of the month Jupiter the planet of luck and expansion will move into your 10th house, where it will stay for all of 2020. The 10th house rules your career, destiny, public persona, and where you fit into the world. Jupiter will expand and give you new opportunities in this area of your life for the whole year. The sole purpose is to elevate you. In addition, dear Aries, you have a new moon solar eclipse also in your 10th house on the 25th of December. These two planetary events are seriously activating your tenth house, opening up your crown chakra and making you very visible to the public. New responsibilities can be expected in the new year, as well as the ability to develop strong leadership skills. This full moon shines a light on your thought patterns. Full moons are all about releasing and letting go.

Taurus & Taurus rising– December is a month of important planetary changes. On the 3rd of the month Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, will move into your 9th house where it will stay for all of 2020. The 9th house has to do with your connection to your higher purpose, spirituality, higher learning, travel, gurus, publishing, writing, and connecting with the universe through faith. Jupiter will expand the way you see things and connect you to your higher self. Jupiter can bless you in any 9th house endeavors as well as bring you opportunities. In addition, you have a new moon solar eclipse in your 9th house occurring on December 25th. You can expect new beginnings here. On the 11th of the month, the full moon falls in your 2nd house of money and self worth. This can bring to light areas regarding your finances, giving you the opportunity to release what no longer work for you. A new adventure awaits, and the way you view life is going to expand.

Gemini & Gemini rising– December is a month of planetary shifting. On the 3rd of the month, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, will move into your 8th house, where it will stay for all of 2020. The 8th house rules your partner’s income, other people’s resources, death, rebirth, transformation, healing, purging, astrology, tarot, sex, and intimacy. With Jupiter here, transformation is guaranteed. The opportunity to heal from past traumas is also intensified with Jupiter here. Transforming yourself on a very deep way, possibly though therapy or inner work, will really set you free. In addition, you have a new moon solar eclipse on the 25th also in your 8th house. This house also has to do with investors, loans, or simply being supported by other people’s resources. Assistance is there if you need it. The full moon on the 11th will shine a light on your 1st house. The 1st house rules your identity and your actual physical body. This full moon is asking you to let go of what you have outgrown in relation to your own individuality. This is getting you ready for 2020, which will be a massive shedding of the old, in order to make room for the new.

Cancer & Cancer rising– On the 3rd of the month you have Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, moving into your 7th. It will stay there for all of 2020. The 7th house rules your personal relationships and business partnerships. In addition to Jupiter being here you also have a new moon solar eclipse on the 25th hitting your 7th house. You really have the opportunity to expand your relationships, call in a new partner, or improve an already existent personal relationship. The solar eclipse is creating new beginnings for you in your partnership area. Jupiter brings you blessings here. The full moon on the 11th falls in your 12th house. This shines a light on your inner world, your subconscious, the unseen world, dreams, and rest. This Full Moon is asking you to step back, let go of what weighs you down, and spend some time alone in peaceful solitude. Get some sleep.

Leo & Leo rising– On the 3rd of the month, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, moves into your 6th house for all of 2020. This transit will activate the areas of work, health, well being, self care, daily habits, and being of service to others. Jupiter brings expansion and good fortune to this part of your chart. You also have a new moon solar eclipse on the December 25th hitting your 6th house. A whole new level is opening up for you regarding your health, vitality , and work life. On the 11th of the month you have a full moon in your 11th house. This brings attention to the people you spend time with, friendships, your social life, communities, your hopes and wishes This full moon is super potent and gives you the opportunity to let go of any friendships or communities you have out grown.

Virgo & Virgo rising– On the 3rd of the month Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, moves into your 5th house for all of 2020. The 5th house has to do with your creativity, children, romance, pleasure, confidence, taking risks, and following your heart’s desire. You also have a new moon solar eclipse on the 25th in your 5th house. This area of your chart is going to light up like a Christmas tree throughout 2020. The new moon solar eclipse can bring you new adventures in terms of romance and creative breakthroughs. This Solar eclipse is here to increase your self confidence. The full moon on the 11th will be in your 10th house. This shines a light on your career, outward recognition, and where you fit in the world. Something in this part of your life might come to full fruition or need to be released.

Libra & Libra rising– On the 3rd of the month Jupiter the planet of luck and expansion moves into your 4th house for all of 2020. The 4th house rules your family, home, real estate, roots, stability, parents, soul, and emotional well being. The new moon solar eclipse on 25th will also occur in your 4th house. This double whammy of planetary energy is changing this part of your life. This solar eclipse is directing you towards a more emotional well being. You will find a new home within yourself. Changes in terms of your living situation are also possible this year. Improving family relationships are truly supported as Jupiter is sending blessings to your home life. The full moon on the 11th will fall in your 9th house. Shining a light on your spiritual practice, belief system, higher calling, travel and higher education.

Scorpio & Scorpio rising– On the 3rd of the month Jupiter the planet of luck and expansion moves into your 3rd house. The 3rd house is all about communications, writing, learning, new studies, enhancing your skills, siblings, and new information. The New moon solar eclipse on the 25th also falls in your third house. Looking at mental patterns and being able to change into a new mindset is common with these planetary transits. You might develop a new skill that can open doors for you. On the 11th of the month the full moon falls in your 8th house. Letting go of anything that has been toxic for you is very much necessary.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius rising– Happy Birthday Sagittarius! You have had quite a year. Jupiter is leaving your sign and has left you with inner and outer gifts. You’ve grown so much. This year you had been restricted in terms of your finances and faced deep issues with your self worth. This is now going to change. On the 3rd of the month Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, and abundance, moves into your 2nd house of money. Jupiter will stay there all year. In addition, you have a new moon solar eclipse hitting your 2nd house. The 2nd house is the house of money, income, finances, self worth, self esteem, and values. Jupiter wants to expand your self worth and help you own your gifts with confidence. The potential to create an increased level of income is really available to you this year. Starting your own business and mastering your finances is totally possible. Jupiter will increase your bank account. This is a powerful energy to make more money and to step into your self worth.

Capricorn & Capricorn rising– This is a super powerful month for you, Capricorn. Jupiter moves into your sign this year! Prepare for your life to expand and to be lifted to the next level. Jupiter will be transiting your 1st house of self. This is all about you stepping into a new identity and experiencing deep self growth. By the end of 2020 you won’t recognize yourself or your life. Jupiter will bring you the gifts you need to put you on your authentic path. Your faith is being tested and elevated by Jupiter. On the 25th, a new moon solar eclipse is in your sign!! A new you will be emerging. You are changing. This is all about new beginnings. Trust the process.

Aquarius & Aquarius rising– On the 3rd of the month Jupiter moves into your 12th house. The 12th house rules the subconscious, rest, healing, past lives, past traumas, connection with the divine, astrology, tarot, and the dream world. 2020 will be very much like an incubation time. On the 25th you have a new moon solar eclipse also in your 12th house. This can mark the beginning of a new spiritual practice. Or new communications with unseen worlds. This highlights endings, surrendering, letting go, and the dissolving of the ego. You may feel as if you’re being guided by the universe in a deeper way. The full moon on the 11th falls in your 5th house of creativity, children, romance, and having fun. The full moon will give you more insight into these areas of your life.

Pisces & Pisces rising– On the 3rd of the month Jupiter the planet of luck and abundance moves into your 11th house. Followed by a new moon solar eclipse on the 25th also in your 11th house. This is a powerhouse of energy. The 11th house rules your friendships, communities, organizations, and networking. Your social circle can really expand this year. Life changing connections and people who can bring you to another level can enter your life in 2020. On the 11th of the month the full moon falls in your 4th house. Shining a light on your home, family, security, and emotional life. The full moon is asking you to release something in this area of your life.

Yarusha and other talented intuitives conduct mini one-on-one readings that provide deep personal insights during our monthly Full Moon Divination nights at Freehand NY. Check our events page and follow us on instagram for more information about those gatherings!

Yarusha Jimenez

Yarusha Jimenez began her journey into tarot, astrology, and the occult at a very young age. A truth seeking Sagittarius with her sun in the 8th house , she possesses the deep transformative waters of scorpio, Yarusha has always been guided by her fiery instincts, deep emotion, and psychic abilities. Yarusha studied tarot with Lindsay Mack and completed her wild soul education. Yarusha works from her intuition, and creates a space for her clients where they can experience the gift of letting go. Yarusha studied tarot with Lindsay Mack and completed her wild soul education. Yarusha works from her intuition, and creates a space for her clients where they can experience the gift of letting go. She is self-taught in astrology and believes it to be the blueprint of your soul. As she has honored the wisdom of her natal chart and stepped into her charts vibration, she has become a channel who can communicate with guides. To book an astrology or tarot reading with Yarusha visit her at: You can find her instagram at @sistersofeastwick or @yarusha1111

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