Happy Equinox and Libra Full Moon! Today, the Sun crosses the Earth’s equator, making day and night of equal length. It’s the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, the Fall Equinox in the Southern. On the same day, there’s a Full Moon at 0° Libra. The Sun and Moon are balancing each other along the Aries-Libra axis. This is truly a day for finding our equilibrium, for balancing our minds, hearts, and relationships. We’re learning to be confident yet open-hearted, strong within ourselves as we also care for others. We’re also learning to be more receptive to opposing points of view, finding common ground as we establish unity rather than division.
Via Ethereal Culture.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the masculine, while Libra’s ruler is Venus, the feminine. After both planets experienced painful retrogrades last year, we’re now reaching a moment of culmination around relationship issues. We’re resolving turmoil of all kinds, particularly the tension between the feminine and masculine.
This happens to be the first of two Libra Full Moons this season, so relationship energy will continue to run high. We have the potential during this period to find the flowers of our inquiries, restoring peace, harmony, and love in our worlds, both personally and collectively. The masculine is tenderizing as the feminine continues to rise in her power, leading us forward in the revolution of our current paradigm.