Astro-Herbal Calendar: Spring 2019


Astrology is an ancient practice of mythology and divination, which helps us understand the arc of who we are, both individually and collectively. This cosmic art expands our self-awareness so we can make sense of seemingly random events, patterns, and energies, while discovering our evolutionary potential.

We all know that the Moon pulls on the tides. Since our bodies are made mostly of water, it’s no wonder the planets and their shifts influence us as well. As these ancient practices become increasingly popular in modern times, we’re learning to merge heaven and earth, noticing how we, as humans, reflect the stars. We’re discovering powerful ways that we can relate not only to our bodies, hearts, and minds, but also to the Earth, its seasons, and our collective unfoldment.

The following calendar maps out the planetary transits of each season so we can tune into cosmic influences, determining how to best work with them. This calendar also contains recommended herbal remedies for major planetary shifts. The herbal remedies have been determined by the ancient practice of Medical Astrology, a tool that links human anatomy and physiology to plant- and fungi-spirits.

-Juliana McCarthy, Astrologer for Ethereal Culture
Follow Juliana on Instagram (@etherealculture), and visit her website ( She also wrote a book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology

Calendar made in collaboration with medical astrologer and holistic medicine practitioner Dr. Emily Anne McDonald, MD.
Visit her website (, and follower her on Instagram (@emilyannemxd).

Read more about Juliana and Emily here.

Spring 2019

Spring Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini

Spring begins on the Vernal Equinox, when the Sun crosses the Earth’s equator, and day and night are equal length. The next day, the Sun moves into Aries—the first sign of the zodiac. Here, we begin a season of reawakening, freshness, and opening to new beginnings. Seeds are becoming shoots. We’re tending to ourselves in order to protect our delicate rebirths.

This spring, we’re beginning the season with Mercury retrograding through Pisces, causing us to feel sleepier and dreamier than usual during this time of year. Chiron has just moved into Aries, and Uranus into Taurus, where they will remain for the next seven years. We’re now underway with revolutionary new cycles of healing and relating to the Earth. We’re breaking out of old ruts and stagnancy, prioritizing healing our bodies, minds, society, and the planet itself. With change occurring rapidly, it would serve us now to anchor into our bodies and the Earth, taking time to relish in the beauty of Spring.

Supportive Remedies for Spring:

Warming, aromatic, and pungent herbs can help distribute vitality and facilitate our emergence into spring by removing circulatory stagnation.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) — alleviates circulatory stagnancy helping us ground by bringing the vital force throughout our body, tones the nerves
Fresh Ginger (Zingiber officinale) – supports digestion, springs body into action while also grounding us since it’s a root
Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) — nourishes liver, stimulates movement of qi, balances hormones

Spring 2019 Astrology Transits

March 20 — Full Moon in Libra

Good time for: letting go, harmonizing relationships, balancing masculine and feminine energies, making art, self-nourishment.

Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition as the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. The Full Moon exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds.

Libra rules love, relationships, balance, and beauty, and a Libra Full Moon supports us in releasing whatever is in the way of our peace and harmony. With the opposing Sun in self-driven Aries, we’re learning to balance our needs with those of others—particularly friends and partners. Chiron conjuncts the Sun, making this Full Moon extra supportive in healing and tenderizing the masculine influences in our relationships. We’re learning to harmonize feminine and masculine energies—blending our confidence and assertiveness with our gentleness, compassion, and receptivity.

Because of Libra’s romantic and artistic nature, this is also a good time to create art and practice rituals around love and beauty. In fact, the Libra Full Moon is like an astrological Valentine’s Day for our souls. We might take a bath, drink rose tea, and massage our own feet—creating sacred space for self-nourishment, care, and love.

Supportive Remedies for Libra Full Moon:

Libra rules the kidneys, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. Now is an excellent time to work with alternative herbs that build blood through detoxification and elimination. Since Libra also rules love, it’s a potent time to work with remedies that open the heart chakra.

Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale) – flushes kidneys and liver, relaxes emotional tension
Cleavers (Galium aparine) – relieves lymphatic congestion, clearing and clarifying
Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) – heart restorative, promotes resilience


March 21—April 19 — The Sun moves into Aries

Good time for: beginning projects, exercising, exertion and initiative, breaking through obstacles

April 5 – New Moon in Aries

Good time for: Beginning projects and relationships, Recharging, Laying careful foundations, Rallying courage, Breaking through ruts.

New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Falling into complete darkness, the New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, when the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree. It presents a clean slate that helps us recharge and begin again. What projects or relationships do we now want to initiate and complete over the next six months?

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, associated with trailblazing and initiative, so an Aries New Moon emphasizes the feeling of freshness. Squaring Pluto, the South Node, and Saturn, the fresh start of this New Moon is connected to deeply releasing the past. We’re now forcefully entering a new paradigm, both personally and collectively. We’re pioneering new selves, relationships, communities, and worlds that are vastly more integrated and compassionate.


Supportive Remedies for Aries New Moon:

Aries rules the head, brain, and adrenals, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. A Moon-Uranus conjunction can instigate changes in biological rhythms, such as menstruation and appetite. Now is an excellent time to work with adaptogenic herbs to support our equilibrium.

Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) – restores balance between adrenals and nervous system promotes longevity
Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) – promotes tissue regeneration, imparts vitality
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) – balances cortisol, bestows compassion and clarity

April 19 — Full Moon in Libra

Good time for: letting go, harmonizing relationships, balancing masculine and feminine energies, making art, self-nourishment.

Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition as the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. The Full Moon exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds.

This is the second Libra Full Moon of the season, greatly emphasizing love, romance, and relationships. The first Libra Full Moon emphasized healing the masculine, while this one is about revolutionizing the feminine and our relationship to pleasure. What happens in our relationships and sexuality when the feminine takes charge? With the Sun and Moon squaring the South Node, Saturn, and Pluto, we’re breaking free of the past—past karma, wounding, and ways of relating to ourselves and each other. We’re establishing greater balance between the feminine and masculine, self and other. In doing so, we’re learning to truly work with each other, from a place of greater authenticity, commitment, and heart.

Because of Libra’s romantic and artistic nature, this is also a good time to create art and practice rituals around love and beauty. In fact, the Libra Full Moon is like an astrological Valentine’s Day for our souls. We might take a bath, drink rose tea, and massage our own feet—creating sacred space for self-nourishment, care, and love.

Supportive Remedies for Libra Full Moon:
Libra rules the kidneys, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. Now is an excellent time to work with alterative herbs that build blood through detoxification and elimination. Since Libra also rules love, it’s a potent time to work with remedies that open the heart chakra.

Burdock (Articum lappa) – strengthens kidneys and liver, dissipates anger and frustration
Cleavers (Galium aparine) – relieves lymphatic congestion, clearing and clarifying
Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) – heart restorative, promotes resilience


April 20–May 21 — The Sun Moves into Taurus

Good time for: sensuality, pleasure, luxuriating, gardening, good food

May 4 – New Moon in Taurus

Good time for: Slowing down, Connecting with the sense pleasures, Yoga, Sensual arts.

New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Falling into complete darkness, the New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle—when the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree. It presents a clean slate that helps us recharge and begin again. What projects or relationships do we want to initiate and complete over the next six months?

Taurus rules sensuality and self-worth, and the Taurus New Moon is an opportunity set intentions around how we take care of our bodies and hearts. How can we nourish ourselves more? We might slow down, feed our sense pleasures, and work on trusting ourselves more deeply. We could go for long walks, relishing in nature and our surroundings, feeling energized by the flowers during height of Earth’s beauty. With Taurus’ ruler Venus squaring the South Node, Saturn, and Pluto, while the New Moon also trines them, a big theme continues to be: Release the past.

We’re transforming old wounds and heartache, progressing forward in our relationships, sensuality, and issues of self-worth. We’re finding ways to undo all kinds of damage from the past so we can inhabit healthier relationships and environments—cleaning up our personal lives and the Earth herself.

Supportive Remedies for Taurus New Moon:

Taurus rules the neck and throat, while the Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. Now is an excellent time to work with nutritive herbs to support grounding, presence, and acceptance.

Sage (Salvia officinalis) – calming to throat and heart, clears emotional obstructions
Rose (Rosa spp) – redistributes energy, opens heart and mind
Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) – soothes oral cavity, strengthens generative force

May 18 – Full Moon in Scorpio

Good time for: Intimacy, Deep psychological work, Shamanic rituals, Alchemy.

Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition as the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. The Full Moon exposes the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds.

Scorpio rules sex, death, rebirth, shamanism, and our darkness, so a Full Moon in Scorpio is a potent time for sexuality and deep psychological release. We’re now working consciously to heal and forgive our painful memories and traumas as we allow ourselves to feel all that arises. This way we can move ahead with greater emotional maturity—more authentic and available for love and intimacy, without projecting our inner turmoil onto others.

Supportive remedies for Full Moon in Scorpio:

Scorpio rules the reproductive organs and energetic transformations, such as birth and death. The Moon oversees our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. During this time, it would be powerful to work with herbs that alter perception and facilitate shifts in our consciousness.

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) – brings blood to genitals, builds stamina
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) – stimulates pelvic circulation, encourages lucid dreaming
Thorn Apple Essence (Datura stramonium) – psychoactive stimulant, facilitates reawakening

May 21 – The Sun Enters Gemini

Good time for: socializing, communicating, learning, reading, sharing information

June 13 – New Moon in Gemini

New Moons are a time for fresh starts and setting intentions. Falling into complete darkness, the New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle—when the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree. It presents a clean slate that helps us recharge and begin again. What projects or relationships do we want to initiate and complete over the next six months?

Gemini rules communication, the mind, and the intellect, and a Gemini New Moon helps establish new patterns in these domains. Today, we can make new commitments to ourselves around how we  speak with others and relate to our own minds. Which thoughts are we feeding and how does that affect us? Venus is forming beautiful angles with Neptune, the South Node, Saturn, and Pluto, so this is an excellent moment to communicate with loved ones, We can heal, forgive, and love each other as we begin new patterns of relating. We can find more diplomatic ways of addressing the past within ourselves and with others, establishing greater peace, harmony, and spiritual connection.

Supportive Remedies for Gemini New Moon:

Gemini rules the shoulders, arms, hands, and the energetics of breath. The Moon rules our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. Now is an excellent time to work with herbs that coordinate balance of the breath.

Mullein (Verbascum thaspus) – strengthens the lungs, imparts confidence
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) – improves oxygenation, illuminates and clarifies
Milkweed Essence (Asclepias syrica) – alleviates inflammation, releases dependency


June 17 – Full Moon in Sagittarius

Full Moons are a time to let go and release anything that no longer serves us. They’re a moment of culmination and fruition as the Moon reaches maximum brightness—falling directly opposite the Sun. They expose the night, tapping us into magic, hidden dimensions, and our unconscious minds.

Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy, adventure, travel, and nature, and a Full Moon in Sagittarius brings emphasis to these areas of life. On this Full Moon, the Sun and Moon form square angles to Neptune. We are softening our philosophical outlooks and becoming more spiritually minded and compassionate. With Jupiter conjuncting the Moon, while the North node conjunct Mars and Mercury in Cancer, we’re now placing emphasis on our hearts and intuitive minds over the intellect. We’re learning to deepen our linear thinking, merging cold logic with compassion, emotion, and spirituality.

Supportive remedies for Sagittarius Full Moon:

Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs, while managing integration of our nerves and hormones. The Moon oversees our bodily fluids, emotional memories, and biological rhythms. Neptune is associated with the pineal gland and removes blockages between cerebral hemispheres. This Full Moon is an excellent time to work with herbs that integrate heart and mind.

Calamus Root (Acorus calamus) — clears scattered thought patterns, aids in translating ideas into words
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) — nourishes the nervous system, promotes meditative states
Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)  – heightens spiritual senses, brings tranquility

Juliana McCarthy

For more than twenty years, Juliana McCarthy has been studying and practicing Western Astrology, finding it to be a powerful tool for self-exploration and examining how we relate to others. She loves working with people to help them understand their authentic selves—their complexities, gifts, karma, and life paths. In particular, she finds Astrology to be helpful for major transitions, unexpected life changes, and for better understanding relationships—romantic and otherwise. Juliana also practices Energy Healing, using a blend of Reiki and shamanic methods. She helps facilitate powerful breakthroughs by clearing blockages around physical, spiritual, relationship, and emotional difficulties. A longtime student of Tibetan Buddhism, she's an avid meditator and spiritual practitioner.

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