Hank Willis Thomas
Guest Written by Torrance Tremayne
Venmo: @torrencetremayne
June 5, 2020 — Today’s full moon lunar eclipse takes place on the Ascendant of the United States of America and all eyes are on the burning empire. Today marks a week of nationwide protests, civil unrest and mourning, sparked by the horrific lynching of yet another Black American, George Floyd, a 46 year old father who’s life was mercilessly taken by Minneapolis police on Memorial Day. Floyd’s murder was recorded by terrified bystanders and quickly spread via social media as Gemini season commenced.
Via Ethereal Culture.
With the Sun now opposite the Sagittarius Moon and in conjunction with retrograde Venus in Gemini, “We The People” have no choice but to contend with our house tragically divided and the current (Gemini Sun-Sagittarius Moon) White House occupant no longer simply flirting with authoritarianism but beginning a very dangerous liaison. “We The People” must reckon with the orthodoxies foundational to this white supremacist, settler colonialist project – the original sins of land theft, genocide, and chattel slavery.
Read more here, and check out Torrence’s Instagram here. If you’ve learned from this post, consider donating to Torrence’s Venmo:@torrencetremayne