Protection Spell: Season of the Witch

This guide will show you how to perform your protection spell, prayer, and ritual this Season of the Witch.

Anointing Oil Supplies

Mortar and Pestle
Base Oil (Grapeseed, Olive, Jojoba)
Angelica Root
Graveyard Dirt or Black Salt  

Other Supplies

Carving Tool (Knife, Safety Pin)
Black Candle
White Candle
Anointing Oil

Season of the Witch

Preparation for Protection Spell

Begin by making the protection anointing oil which will be used to bless your candles during the ritual; you may want to make the oil in advance so that it may be blessed by the moon or sun. 

With the intention of protection in mind, grind the angelica root and graveyard dirt or black salt together with the mortar and pestle until fine. Collecting graveyard dirt can be done by asking for the permission of your chosen cemetery and tombstone – a loved one’s burial site is ideal. Black salt can be made with one-part charcoal or ash and one-part sea salt. 

Transfer your ground ingredients into a small bowl and cover with a base oil of your choice like olive oil, grapeseed, or jojoba.

With the carving tool, carve the name of who/what you seek protection from into the black candle. Visualize this object/person as you carve; a picture or belonging of theirs can be helpful. 

Carve the name of who/what you are protecting into the white candle. This can be a specific person’s name, yourself, the environment, your heart, your home…whatever you want to send your protective light to. 

Cut the pomegranate in half or have the pomegranate seeds already prepared in a bowl. 

Set your ritual space with carved candles, pomegranate, and protection oil! Feel free to add whatever else is calling to you: crystals, feathers, bones, rocks, etc! 

As you have dressed the physical environment for your ceremony, it is important to prepare it energetically as well. This can be done by using a broom for the sweeping away of energy, by burning smoke wands or incense, or by sprinkling saltwater in the space. 

Now, it’s you time. Ready yourself for the upcoming ritual as you see fit. Many witches enjoy bathing or washing their hands prior to ceremony, while others dance and purify themselves with sound. In my own practice, I prepare by getting completely naked and singing! Do what feels *right* and most natural to you – let your spirit guide you. 


Naked or not, now that you have purified the space, mind, and body, it is crucial to connect to the universe’s power and to the vitality of your intention. 

Sit with jurisdiction. Keep your back straight and tailbone planted, your hands rested on your thighs. Sit on the ground if you feel comfortable. 

Close your eyes or maintain a soft focus. 

Inhale through your nose, expanding your pelvic area outward like a balloon, then ribs, then chest, and finishing with a lifted collar bone. Exhale slowly by releasing your collarbone, then chest, ribs, and finally stomach. Repeat this twice more. 

Envision that there is a robust root that is connected to your tailbone. It is a piece of you no different from your veins. Follow the length of your root as it secures you through the surface on which you sit, passing through the earth’s crust of dirt and rock and the earth’s molten mantle until it finally reaches the earth’s core. Your root wraps around and around the earth’s core, further ensuring your secureness. 

Upon your next inhale, imagine your root as sucking up the core’s energy as if you were sipping it through a straw. As you inhale the earth’s essence – it may look white, yellow, green, or red to you – feel it ignite your toes all the way up to your crown chakra. Let it devour you.

Once you’ve sensed your tank is full, open your eyes.

Protection Spell: The Ritualseason of the witch

Cast your ceremonial circle (if you choose):

Directing your spirit in front of you as if you were pushing a heavy object, slowly walk the circumference of your ritual space clockwise. 

You may sing aloud, hum, or call upon the elements – fire, water, air, and earth – for their divine guidance as you walk. 

Once you have completed walking the entire circumference of your magick sphere, place yourself in its center amongst your ceremonial tools. Acknowledge that you are safe in this area; no persons or spirits may interact with your manifestation unless specifically called upon. 

Using your hands, anoint the carved black candle with the protection oil by rubbing it from the base of the candle up to the wick. As you dress the candle, visualize the enemy that you are banishing in your mind’s eye. Again, a photograph is helpful, but for more subjective objects, certain colors or associations work just as well. Applying the oil to the candle in this upward motion, see yourself as literally scrubbing away this enemy with your own two hands. 

With your matches/lighter, light the wick of the black candle. If compelled to, recite “with dirt I grind, with hands I knead to protect ____ and to rid you clean.”

Seize a handful of pomegranate seeds and grasp them tightly so that they may bleed.

Smear the pomegranate juice onto the bottoms of your feet. Say:

  • With this blood, I protect my surroundings from ___. 


  • With this blood, I protect ___’s surroundings from ___.

Coat your groin with the blood of the pomegranate. Say: 

  • With this blood, I protect my body from ___.  


  • With this blood, I protect ___’s body from ___. 

Rub the fruit’s juice onto your diaphragm or solar plexus. Say: 

  • With this blood, I protect my sense of self from ___. 


  • With this blood, I protect ___’s sense of self from ___.

Stain your heart or chest with the pomegranate essence. Say:

  • With this blood, I protect my spirit from ___. 


  • With this blood, I protect ___’s spirit from ___. 

Press the pomegranate juice onto your third eye with your thumb. Say:

  • With this blood, I protect my mind from ___. 


  • With this blood, I protect ___’s mind from ___. 

Squeeze the remaining pomegranate seeds over the white candle. Let the blood seep into what has been carved by your able hands. Say:

  • Protect ___. 

Light the white candle. 

Elevate both of your arms above your head and cup your hands to make a sphere shape. Between your palms is a ball of white or pink light. Meditate on this light. No matter what it feels like – cool, warm, sizzling, or still – this light is your guardian. Your protector.

Extend your arms out straight and slowly lower them to each side of you, allowing this protective light to encase you in a bubble. This is your shield. Understand that it is always there when you call for it.

Allow both candles to burn to completion. Periodically take notice of the patterns or shapes the melting candles are forming. How do the two candles interact with one another? Do you see anything in the flames? Record your observations and feelings in a witch’s journal and interpret your findings. 

When you sense that you have explored all that needs to be explored, uncast your circle by walking the circumference counterclockwise. This time, rather than exude energy, you absorb it into yourself. 

Once the ceremony has been completed, it is important to ground again for restoration. This can be done through meditation, breathwork, gentle yoga, or simple acts such as stretching, showering, or preparing tea.

Check out our Season of the Witch collection!

Madison Murray

Madison Murray is a creative writer, filmmaker, eclectic witch, and certified level II reiki practitioner. Having been born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts, Madison embraces both the left-hand path (“black magic”) and right-hand path (“white magic”) as she personally believes that magic knows no rules or limitations. Specializing in prosperity, love, and protection spells, as well as in curses, her practice consists of green magik, candle magik, sigil magik, blood magik, tarot and oracle card readings, and divination via crystal ball and pendulum.

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