The Sagittarius Full Moon arrives on Monday on the Galactic Center, connecting us with inter-dimensional wisdom. Arriving just after an exact Jupiter-Neptune square, it’s helping us dismantle old, outworn belief systems and philosophies. We’re releasing ideological and religious programming that no longer serves us. We’re remembering to relax our rigid thinking, stepping into the Great Mystery and the truth of not knowing. We can trust the Universe and our unfoldment as our past traumas soften and dissolve. We now have the chance to forgive each other and establish gentler communication.
Via Ethereal Culture.
Meanwhile, our optimism is ready to return like the morning sun, even as we work through great inner struggles or witness the turmoil of the world. After all, Sagittarius is the sign of optimism. With his arrow pointing toward the horizon, the Centaur inspires our senses of humor and adventure. He reminds us that the journey is the goal, that joy comes when we stay present in the moment, embracing all that is happening, right now—good and bad, light and dark, ease and struggle.
With the Sun and Moon falling along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, it would be helpful to take time to ground and still our minds. The planets may be stimulating overactive thoughts, irritation, or even anger. We may find ourselves acting from old emotional wounds, but as we bring our shadows to the light of awareness, we’re supported in liberating from harmful patterns and habituations.